Friday 27 April 2012

A cheering sight for Typhoon fans.....

F-16 caught bang to rights....

While the French have never been shy about leaking stills from Rafale HUD video, showing other aircraft being 'disadvantaged' during DACT, the air forces of the Eurofighter partner nations have always been more circumspect. 

Thus the RAF (for example) have never wanted to talk about DACT, let alone to reveal HUD video that might embarrass their opponents, fearing that to do so might upset the enemy, and might lead to a withdrawal of training opportunities in the future. 

So while RAF Typhoon HUD video exists showing a range of aircraft being soundly beaten, some effort is made to ensure that such video remains unseen by the wider world. 

The Spanish, the Germans and the Italians all have a similar attitude.

But when you're fighting against another aircraft type from your own air force, the sensitivities and sensibilities are perhaps a little less delicate, and so here we have what appears to be an AMI Typhoon showing an F-16 (almost certainly another AMI aircraft) who's boss.

Intriguingly, though, the blogger says: "Soon. Keep reading this blog. ;-)" in answer to the question: "When will we see a capture of a Rafale in this hud?" 

Later, he says: "I’ve not said I hope some day a Typhoon will score a Rafale kill. It’s already happened and there’s a HUD camera video. I’m just trying to get the screenshot…"

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